We carry out design of the mining enterprises, underground mines and also water-removing and the rudovydachnykh of complexes, since a stage of production schedules and the preliminary feasibility study (PFS) and to a stage of construction documentation. We carry out coordination of projects in public authorities.
Feasibility study (PFS and FS)
We specialize in implementation of feasibility studies at various stages. Our company is not only professional builders and engineers. We also actively involve over the feasibility study for experts independent and not the affiliated company in Germany at implementation of the bank feasibility study (PFS and FS).
Architectural supervision
We carry out check of compliance of construction works to design decisions. Exception of unreasonable derogation from requirements of project, work and budget documentation. Participation in acceptance of separate responsible designs. Consultation and the help in the qualified and expeditious change of the project documentation.
Technical supervision
Technical inspection
The certified experts in all directions of specialization. Control of construction of the facility and work of contractors. Entrance control of the used materials and the equipment. Guarantee of high-quality performance of installation and construction works. The conclusion about technical condition of an object in a short time.
Mining facilities
- design of the mining enterprises, since a stage of production schedules and the preliminary feasibility study (PFS) and to a stage of construction documentation:- opening of the field;
- systems of working off;
- rudovydachnykh of complexes;
- ventilation systems of mining operations;
- water-removing complexes;
- betono-stowage complexes;
- automation of mining technological processes;
- participation in design of construction of mines

Concentrating production
- design of all concentrating repartitions: crushing, crushing, flotation, condensation, filtration, reverse water supply, tail economy;- engineering infrastructure, it is administrative - household complexes and warehouse economy;
- we solve problems of concentrating production at various stages, incorporating the employees having big production and research experience in enrichment and hydrometallurgy;
- release of design documentation on the non-standard equipment

- design of the enterprises which are releasing: zinc, lead, copper, gold, silver, sulfuric acid;- experience of design in the constrained conditions of the operating productions;
- we carry out design support of the current activity of the metallurgical enterprises;
- release of design documentation on the non-standard equipment

Mechanical engineering
- release of design documentation of not standardized equipment;- design of the enterprises of mechanical engineering

Power economy
- design of an electric part and automation of all power process of production, up to 10 kV

Infrastructure facilities
and activity
- design of systems of water cooling, compressed air, supply of oxygen and nitrogen of fuel environments, pipelines, gas flues;
- warehouse economy;
- administrative and household complexes

Nature protection
- Before EIA;

Works in the
industrial safety
- declaration of safety